Published Print + Online, on 17 th July 2017, on and
Cover of the Journal; Front Page of the Journal, Citations/Indexed in, Editorial Board;

Edited by Chief Editor, Dr. Umesh P. Mogle, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany, J. E. S. College, Jalna (M. S.) India

Index of the Volume 8, Number 3, July - 2017

Title of the research paper Page Number
Page No. 301 to 477 (Page - I)
Labeo filiferus, a new fish species (cypriniformes, cyprinidae) from Kerala, India
Mathews Plamoottil and Primoz Zupancic
Resistance analysis of four Chickpea cultivars against fusarium wilt using biochemical markers
Sopan Chavan, Prajwal Bogawar, Shivdas Aher and Deepak Koche
Zingiberaceae of Kalatungan Mountain Range, Bukidnon, Philippines
Mark Arcebal K. Naïve
Record of Dysphania pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin and Clemants (Amaranthaceae) from Vijayapur District of Karnataka, India
Sidanand V. Kambhar, Firdose R. Kolar and K. Kotresha
Seedling characteristics of some medicinal plants of Lamiaceae
Rashmi Rani and B K Datta
Protein profile studies in French bean mutants
Mahamune SE, Sangle SM. and Kothekar VS
Diversity of Ground beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Indian Sundarban with seven new records
Ravi Kumar Kushwaha, Udipta Chakraborti, Sankarsan Roy, Olive Biswas and Bulganin Mitra
Effect of different sugar sources during in vitro sprouting efficiency of Indian mulberry (Morus spp.) genotypes using shoot apex explants
Mrittika Sengupta, Melur Kodandaram Raghunath, Pijush Mallick and S Ravindran
Pharmacognostical studies in Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees.
Sangekar SN and Devarkar VD
Four Species of Cyperaceae as New Record for Andhra Pradesh, (India)
Solanke Sudhir N and Patil Ravi P.
Re-introduction of salt-acclimatized vegetatively propagated back mangrove species Excoecaria agallocha L. in Odisha coast, India.
Uday Chand Basak and Pradeep Kumar Maharana
Study on genetic variability for the quantitative traits in some genotypes of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Adsare Anil D and Salve Abhay N
Effect of 2, 4-D on callus induction at nodal and internodal explants of Brucea mollis Wall. ex Kurz- an endangered plant of Northeast India
Prapty Das, Bhaben Tanti and S. K. Borthakur
Isolation, Screening and Characterization of Potent Biosurfactant producing Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Site
Manish P. Suthar, Murtaza A. Hajoori, Rahul R. Chaudhari and Sagar A. Desai
Heavy metal induced toxic effect on growth and biochemical activities of turnip (Brassica Rapa) seedlings
Amrit Kaur, Gagandeep Kaur and Avneet Kaur
Isolation, Identification and Optimization Study of Prodigiosin from Serratia marcesces
Monika T Rokade and Archana S Pethe
Study of biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in the Rhizosphere of Withania somnifera (L.)
Sunita Chahar
A review on the toxicity and other effects of Dichlorvos, an organophosphate pesticide to the freshwater fish
J. Chandra Sekhara Rao, P. Neelima and K. Govinda Rao
Efficacy of herbal drug against the histochemical and histological damage due to Mercury in the Kidney of freshwater catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)
Bhalerao S. N.
Some fresh water Ascomycetes from Nagpur district of Maharashtra, India
Jadhav R T and Borse K N
Isolation and characterization dye degrading bacteria for detoxification of dark red 2B
Sagar A. Desai
In vitro rhizome induction of Hedychium coronarium Koenig., a rhizomatous medicinal and aromatic plant
Seram Devika Devi, Sukni Bui, Suman Kumaria and Meera C. Das
Vascular Plant Diversity of Nesamony Memorial Christian College Campus, Marthandam, Tamilnadu, India
S. Sukumaran and S. Jeeva
Possibility of Baltic bacterium in waters of Jiribam, Manipur, India: serendipity
Khomdram Bijoya Devi and Khomdram Niren Singh   
In Vivo effects of cadmium chloride on antioxidant metabolism in sexually mature common carp Cyprinus carpio
Sumana Das
Pharmacognostical studies in Datura inoxia Mill.
Sangekar SN and Devarkar VD
Pharmacognostic studies on Pergularia  daemia (Frosk) Chio
Syed Sabiha Vajhiyuddin

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